Pangolins are insect-eating mammals that are covered in tough, overlapping scales. There are eight pangolin species living across Asia and Africa.
All eight species of pangolins are threatened with extinction. More than 1 million pangolins have been trafficked in the last decade. Their scales are used in traditional Asian medicines and their meat is considered a luxury food throughout Asia. Learn about our work to save them.
Your donations support the most effective pangolin conservation projects in Africa and Asia. We have partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Network, a top-rated non-profit organization, which sends 100% of donations directly to Save Pangolins.
An award-winning documentary filmed across three countries with the help of reformed poachers and wildlife enforcement officers.
New research finds evidence that a small proportion of pangolins carry coronaviruses related to the strain responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a paper published March 26 in the journal Nature...
A recent study indicates that Pangolins are being hunted at a much larger and faster rate that previously thought...
The Long Awaited Endangered Pets Browser Extension will soon be released on the Google Chrome Store allowing user to adopt their own interactive virtual Pangolin pet!